Calling me trashy won't solve your problems

Unlike most governing styles, the principles of a circular economy are not ideological or cultural. It is a blue print to direct the process of recyclable waste material. Enclosed circular systems exist throughout the mechanical realm. The refrigeration system is a simple example, that demonstrates the principles of circular systems. 



As an artisan my recyclable waste material is always calling out, "create something with me."

As a cynic my recyclable waste material piled up in the garage is, "an artistic expression."  

As an activist my recyclable waste material is going to help with "global issues."

As a business man my recyclable waste material looks like an "untapped market."

As a theologian my recyclable waste material reminds me that ... a circular economy for waste is not an imaginary ideological belief but a system of operations to create goods from waste. Commonly the term economy is conflated with money. 

definition according to oxford dictionary :

economy - careful management of available resources

It is not difficult to research and discover the most common recycled materials. In this modern era, most information is just a simple search engine discovery away. Yet, how do I take a trash bag full of cans and make it into something useable, other than pencil cups or candle holders. Why can't I find simple ways to make all of my left over bottles into a piece of furniture. I don't mean I want to play with my trash like a 5th grader being shown how to make a "recycling project." 

How do I use the material that I purchased, that is left over from other products I purchased and turn it into something useful like a bike or bookshelf or wind turbine. 

As a consumer my waste looks like the "marketing expenses that raised the cost of my goods."

How can I use the left over cardboard from my online packages? There are people online who make furniture and paddles boards, out of cardboard. Using 3D printing and wild adhesives. Only if it was easier. I paid for all of this trash and I'm about to just give it away or sell it away but it is mine. I paid for it! I want to use it but don't really have the time to create some type of system to use it.  

Interesting enough there are piles and piles of this useful material that is not being used either because of the {COST} of energy and time it takes to collect it. Things that can be broken down into building materials, furniture, instruments, 3D printing filament, an endless list of creative potential. Creating markets and opportunity at local levels and generating exportable goods. 

Like any projected business endeavor market research and planning is needed to coordinate such projects as profitable. Using coordination with facilities of varied recycling production capabilities is vital to the circular system but not too challenging. As an artisan creating items from upcycled material is a cost saving technique but large recycling production has the potential to provide goods to imprinting marketing firms, government contracts for building materials, or they could create entire store fronts of recycled plastic items.

If I could manage a small collection system at a local level, I could open a small store selling 3d printer filament or break down the cans to make bookshelves. Large scale enough, 'to sell and break even', but small enough to work from home. It would be cool to make instruments from my waste material. It would be even cooler if I didn't have to collect other's trash and just used my own waste material. I paid for it! There is a list of potential goods I could make but for the common consumer, who has the time or the technical know how? 

One major weather catastrophe after another and the consumer habits of society are marching straight into the abyss. This being true, then I want to know what are they buying and how do I use my waste to sell it to them - at a lower cost.   

{google searching} ... best items selling online 2021
reusable water bottles , dog jackets, yoga and palates mattes, jig saw puzzles, laptop skins, phone tripods, kayak accessories, rugs, resistance bands, dog beds and blankets    

These are all items that could be made from recycled material. Most importantly these are not products that will change the world. In this miracle era of potential economic growth and development; upcycling goods to create items of luxury isn't exactly a motivating direction for concerned patrons of driven potential. This is important to the concept of the 'circular economy' because of the significance that it serves to the entire market and environment. The use of the waste material is important. 

The knowledge of what can be made and how to make it, is available and easily accessible. The environmental damage created by the waste material is common knowledge and in some areas irreversible. The cost to human development has been recorded, and projections of future complications have been released. The action needed doesn't require political will but collective work and consumer conscious spending.  

When is someone going to invent a 3d printer that breaks down any material. If I could buy myself a machine to melt my cans, that is small enough to put in my office , and 3d print stuff. I'd make 3d printed tools, instruments or whatever I could use. I wish I could use my plastic waste to create building material at home... first I'd have to learn how to melt it and mold it and carpentry skills. This is not a futuristic possibility because the technology is here. Typically exclusive to industries of mass production. 

Unless ... 

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